We are not collecting for Huricane relief. We only work in Ukraine. Thanks

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Want to do a benefit for the kids?
Contact us at:
Lookng for talented bands who are touched by the heart of the Father for these kids and are willing to tithe your talent for just one night.
Your location or ours.
These guys have done a couple of concerts for us.
At the Dora Christian Church in Lagro, Indiana. Doug & Barb Chopson and Liston Creek presented a benefit concert for the work with the street kids. Great concert guys!
Past Concerts
- Pritzl & Rowe (Michael Pritzl-The Violet Burning)(Michael Rowe-The 77's)
- Liston Creek
- Unleavened
- Tracy Munday
- Master's Own
- Doug & Barb Chopson
- Bob Church & Co.
- Jim Housel
- Roger Waltz
- Special Delivery
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